OnSpot Dermatology Presents Life-Saving Achievement Award to SDOC for Early Melanoma Diagnosis

Thursday, June 22, 2023 - OnSpot Dermatology recently recognized Dr. Debra Pace, Superintendent of the School District of Osceola County (SDOC), and the entire school board with a well-deserved Life Saving Achievement Award.Since January 2023, OnSpot and SDOC have partnered together to bring OnSpot's mobile clinics to their wellness center as well as four additional locations in the district. These four additional locations include Poinciana High School, Discovery Middle School, Harmony High School and Celebration High School. This partnership allows for employees of the district to receive onsite dermatologic care directly at their place of work. OnSpot visits these locations two times per month and over the course of six months has seen over 500 patients.In May, one particular SDOC employee received a full-body skin exam on the mobile clinic at their work site. A biopsy was performed which came back as a positive case of melanoma. This patient was treated by OnSpot nine days later. This incident underscores the importance of early detection in combating life-threatening conditions such as melanoma and other skin cancers. According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, skin cancer is "99% treatable, when detected early."This story could have resulted in a different outcome if a skin exam was not performed in a timely manner. It is for this reason the School District of Osceola County is presented with a Life Saving Achievement Award by OnSpot. OnSpot congratulates SDOC on their award and is proud to partner with an organization so committed to wellness initiatives, specifically the early detection of skin cancer.